Virtual Coaching
Achieve Your Fitness Goals with Virtual Coaching
With over 40 years of coaching, we are dedicated to helping you unlock your potential and become the best swimmer you can be. With personalized coaching and up to date training techniques, our programs are designed to help you make rapid progress and achieve your goals faster than you ever thought possible.
What's Included
1-on-1 Consultation
We will discuss what your goals are for this program. This will be completed over email or phone/video call.
Individualized Workouts
Weekly workouts catered to your goals and ability. Includes sets, drills and intervals to excel your training
Personalized dryland workouts to build strength, muscle and injury prevention.
Communication with Coach
Unlimited email communication with coach for questions and concerns about workouts or upcoming events
Stroke Analysis
Detailed video analysis consisting of stroke breakdown, positioning, timing and adjustment of stroke.
*This Is NOT a Race Analysis*
Learn More:
Click Here
Weekly Coaching Calls
Video/phone call discussing changes in stroke, race plan strategy and any other questions that may arise