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John Villareal

President / CEO, Swim Trident USA

     Growing up on military bases in Virginia and Maryland were those formative years for John and his brothers. With a cohort of other navy kids, life was simple and commonplace on base to be outdoors from sunrise to sunset. If they weren’t fishing or crabbing on a nearby pier, they were swimming in the river or competing in a multitude of sporting activities. Lessons learned in sports were invaluable, and involvement as a multi-sport athlete honed skills beyond the sport itself. Developing team work, time management, leadership, and mental aspects carried from youth sports into everyday life.

    When military commitments occur, they can come at a moments notice. John’s father was the head coach, and when duty called, there was a void to fill. As a young teenager, John filled that role for his brother’s team as the interim coach. He already knew the terminology and skill set for the job. There was no hesitation by parents, and they stayed committed to goals as one cohesive unit. Sports becomes a family affair whether it’s your direct family or the extended sports family. Rather than make excuses, a plan was in motion, so it was a seamless transition.

     For John , it was a natural progression to compete, officiate, and coach many sports. As a triathlete, the competitive drive continued, but years of wear and tear eventually caught up and injuries mounted. The mind wanted to grind through the discomfort, but the body eventually pumped the brakes. An unfortunate injury sidelined all competitions, but coaching others to become better versions of themselves grew. Despite the injuries and healing process, life moved forward, and a family was started. When his two sons were almost running before walking, the writing was on the wall. The boys were exposed to multiple sports at a young age from baseball, basketball, football, wrestling, lacrosse, rifle, and of course swimming. There was pressure to stay active regardless of the activity, so take a wild guess who had a part in coaching them.

     Coaching spanned over 40 years and counting from recreation, high school, and club levels. John reached multiple certifications in multiple sports, but the boys gravitated toward swimming above others. Swimmers were developed over the years, and improvements lead to winning and undefeated seasons. As time progressed, his sons finished their swim careers, and joined him on the pool deck as coaches themselves.

     Aside from years in the swim community, John continued to hone his craft. As a student of the sport, he attended swim conferences across the country including World Clinics – learning from some of the best in the industry. Weekly meetings with other swim coaches from around the world is the norm, and his athletes will reap the benefit.

     The belief of improving swim technique alone is not only short sighted, but not in the best interest of the swimmer regardless of the age. There are points of interest with a young athlete, adolescent, teenager/high schooler, collegiate, and masters swimmer. Coaching the various ages and abilities has its challenges. With personalized dryland and swim workout plans along with understanding the process, Swim Trident USA was born.


John has coached swimmers that have competed in:

Olympic Trials
Big Ten Conference
Patriot League
Atlantic Coast Conference
Atlantic 10 Conference
Maryland States
ISCA East Coast Elite