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How to Kick Faster for Swimmers

Kick Your Way to Faster Swimming: Mastering Kick Efficiency for Optimal Performance

The Importance of Kick Efficiency in Swimming

Swimming is a sport that requires a combination of strength, endurance, and technique. One key aspect of technique that many swimmers overlook is their kick. The kick provides a significant amount of propulsion in the water, and making even small improvements to your kick efficiency can lead to faster swimming times.

When you think about it, the legs are the largest muscles in your body. So it makes sense that they should play a big role in swimming.

But many swimmers focus too much on their upper body strength and neglect their kick. By improving your kick efficiency, you can make better use of this powerful muscle group and swim faster with less effort.

So how exactly does an efficient kick lead to faster swimming times? It’s simple physics – when you have good form and technique with your legs, you’re able to push more water behind you with each kick.

This creates more forward momentum and helps you move through the water more quickly than someone who has poor kicking form. Additionally, because your legs are such powerful muscles, using them efficiently can help reduce the workload on your arms and shoulders – allowing you to swim longer without getting tired as quickly.

In short: if you want to become a better swimmer, focusing on improving your kick efficiency is essential. In the following sections we’ll explore some techniques for doing so – from understanding the basics of kicking to advanced techniques used by elite swimmers – so that you can make every kick count for faster swimming!

Understanding the Basics of Kick Efficiency

The Role of Legs in Swimming and Propulsion

When it comes to swimming, the legs play a crucial role in propulsion. The ability to generate power through a strong and efficient kick can make all the difference when it comes to swimming faster. This is why it’s important for swimmers to focus on developing their leg strength and technique.

Flutter Kick vs Dolphin Kick: What’s the Difference?

There are two main types of kicks used in swimming – the flutter kick and the dolphin kick. Breaststroke kick is a completely separate discussion which can be found here

The flutter kick involves keeping your legs relatively close together, kicking up and down from the hips with a small amount of knee bend.

On the other hand, the dolphin kick involves using both your legs together in a fluid motion, resembling that of a dolphin’s tail. This is done by bending at both your hips and knees simultaneously before extending them back outwards again.

Common Mistakes Swimmers Make with Their Kicks

One common mistake that swimmers make with their kicks is not generating enough power from their legs. Another mistake is having poor technique, such as kicking too wide or not maintaining proper form throughout their strokes. It’s important for swimmers to focus on developing good habits early on so they can avoid these mistakes later on down the line.

Techniques for Improving Kick Efficiency

Proper Body Positioning During the Kick

One of the most important factors in achieving an efficient kick is maintaining proper body positioning throughout the entire motion. This means keeping your hips high and your legs close together, with minimal drag.

When kicking, it’s important to keep your core engaged and maintain a strong, steady rhythm. Additionally, keeping your head down and aligned with your spine can help reduce resistance and improve overall efficiency.

Drills to Improve Ankle Flexibility and Strength

Ankle flexibility is crucial for developing a strong, efficient kick. One simple drill to improve flexibility involves sitting on the edge of a pool with legs straight out in front of you and toes pointed downward.

Slowly flex your feet upward towards your shins as far as comfortable, hold for a few seconds, then release. Repeat this exercise several times each day to improve ankle mobility.

In addition to flexibility drills, exercises that target leg strength can also help improve kick efficiency. Lunges and squats are great options that target the leg muscles used in swimming kicks.

Using fins while swimming will increase ankle flexibility and will give you a better feeling in the water of swimming at higher speeds.

Examples of Workouts that Focus on Developing an Efficient Kick

  1. Using a Kickboard
  2. Using Fins
  3. Streamlined kicking
  4. Underwaters

Integrating kick-focused workouts into your regular training regimen can help develop a more efficient kick over time. 

This helps build leg endurance while also emphasizing proper body positioning during the kicking motion. A good workout option is performing sets of flutter kicks or dolphin kicks while holding onto a kickboard for support.

This allows swimmers to isolate their lower bodies during the kicking motion while focusing on maintaining proper form throughout each set. By incorporating these techniques into their training routines, swimmers can improve their kick efficiency and ultimately become faster and more efficient in the water.

The Importance of Mental Preparation

Swimming is not just about physical strength, but it also requires mental toughness. It is essential to have a strong mindset and be prepared mentally before diving in. Visualization techniques can help swimmers improve their kick efficiency by imagining themselves performing perfect kicks.

Visualizing each movement of the kick helps to create muscle memory and aids in executing the perfect form during training sessions. One effective visualization technique is to close your eyes and imagine yourself visualizing your successful swim routine.

Feel the water around you, hear your breathing, and see yourself executing each stroke with precision. You can visualize yourself with a perfect kick as well, feeling the water flowing over your feet as they move up and down kicking efficiently.

Share strategies for staying focused during training sessions

Being focused is crucial while swimming, especially during training sessions. It’s easy to get distracted by the noise around you or daydreaming instead of focusing on perfecting your kicks. One strategy for staying focused during practice is to set specific goals for each session beforehand.

Another strategy involves paying attention to what’s happening internally; focus on how your body feels while you’re kicking instead of getting distracted by external stimuli such as other swimmers or music playing in the background. Taking deep breaths before starting a swim session helps clear the mind, making it easier to stay focused throughout the whole routine.

Mental preparation plays a vital role in improving kick efficiency while swimming. Visualizing an efficient kicking form and staying focused on training sessions can significantly improve overall performance in swimming competitions and workouts alike.

We go over the entirety of mental preparation in our article here:
Powerful Mental Strategies for Swimmers

Advanced Techniques for Elite Swimmers

Underwater Kicking: How to Boost Speed and Efficiency

If you’ve ever watched a world-class swimmer, you’ve probably noticed how effortlessly they glide through the water. One of the reasons for this is that they’re able to maintain a strong, streamlined position underwater. By using underwater kicking techniques, elite swimmers are able to take advantage of the little amount of resistance swimming underwater provides. To master underwater kicking, you’ll need to work on your breath control and your ability to maintain a tight body position while you’re underwater.

Tips for Incorporating Advanced Techniques into Your Training

While these advanced techniques may seem intimidating at first, the key is to start slowly and build up gradually over time. Try incorporating one new technique into each swim session and focus on perfecting it before moving on to another one. You may also want to consider working with a coach or trainer who can provide feedback on your form and offer suggestions for improvement.

Remember that while these advanced techniques can be effective in boosting speed and efficiency, they’re not magic bullets. To truly excel as a swimmer, you’ll need to put in consistent effort both in and out of the pool.

This means focusing on proper technique, maintaining a healthy diet, and getting enough rest and recovery time. With dedication and hard work, you can make every kick count and achieve your swimming goals.


In conclusion, kick efficiency is a crucial component of swimming that can make a significant difference in your overall speed and performance. By improving your body positioning and incorporating drills and workouts that focus on developing an efficient kick, you can increase your propulsion in the water. If you’re serious about becoming a faster swimmer, then it’s important that you focus on improving your kick efficiency.

Start by paying attention to your body positioning during practice sessions and take advantage of drills and workouts that are designed specifically to enhance your kicking technique. 

Remember, even small improvements in kick efficiency can lead to significant gains in overall swim times. By committing yourself fully to the process of enhancing your kicking technique, you’ll not only become a faster swimmer but also gain confidence in yourself as an athlete.

The journey towards mastering this critical aspect of swimming may be challenging at times, but it’s ultimately rewarding – both physically and mentally – when you achieve success. So let’s get started!
