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The Art of the Flip Turn: Beginner to Elite

The Importance of Flip Turns In Swimming

Flip turns are an essential skill for any swimmer who wants to improve their speed and efficiency in the pool. By mastering this technique, you can maintain your momentum while swimming laps, which is crucial for keeping a consistent pace and achieving better times.

As you progress from beginner to pro, flip turns will become an integral part of your training routine. In addition to the practical benefits of flip turns, they also add an element of grace and fluidity to your swimming style.

A well-executed flip turn can be a thing of beauty, showcasing your strength and skill in the water. For competitive swimmers, mastering this technique can mean the difference between winning and losing a race.

A Brief Overview of What a Flip Turn Is

A flip turn is a swimming technique used to transition from one lap to another without stopping or slowing down significantly. It involves approaching the wall at the end of a lap with enough speed to make a quick somersault (or “flip” underwater before pushing off in the opposite direction. While freestyle and backstroke use flip turns, breaststroke and butterfly use what is called an open turn.

To execute a proper flip turn, you will need to tuck your head down towards your chest as you approach the wall, then use your legs and core muscles to quickly rotate yourself into an upside-down position with your feet touching the wall. 

From there, you will kick off forcefully with both feet while extending your arms out in front of you for maximum momentum. With practice and patience, anyone can learn how to do a perfect flip turn!

Getting Started: Mastering the Basics


Before you can perfect your flip turn, you need to ensure that your approach to the wall is correct. You should start preparing for your turn about a body length away from the wall.

Swim towards the wall with your head down, and extend one arm out in front of you while pulling the other arm at your side. Once you are about a half-body length away from the wall, pull both arms back towards you, and tuck your chin in towards your chest.


Once you have approached the wall correctly, it is time to start tucking and rolling. The key to a good flip turn is executing a tight tuck as quickly as possible. As soon as you are close enough to touch the wall with your hands, bring both knees up into your chest while simultaneously flipping forward onto your back.


As soon as you make contact with the wall during your roll, use it as leverage to push off with power. Kick hard and fast with both legs while extending both arms above your head.

The goal here is not just to get off of the wall quickly but also maintain momentum so that when we come up out of our rotation we continue swimming without interruption or slowing down. Remember that nailing these basic techniques is essential if we want to progress further into perfecting our flip turns, so take time practicing them until they become second nature – only then can we start fine-tuning our technique for maximum speed!


  1. Approach the wall with momentum
  2. Put your head down
  3. Extend one arm and pull the other toward your side
  4. Tuck quickly and plant your feet with your heels raised off the wall
  5. Propel yourself off the wall and into underwaters

Perfecting your Technique: Tips and Tricks


Timing is essential to a successful flip turn. You want to approach the wall with enough momentum that you can tuck and roll smoothly without losing speed.

The key is to time your turn just right so that you hit the wall at your maximum velocity, but don’t slow down too much during the actual flip. To achieve this, start by taking a few practice runs where you focus specifically on your timing.

Swim towards the wall at increasing speeds and pay attention to when you start your turn. Eventually, you’ll get a feel for when it’s best to initiate the flip and can use this knowledge during races.


Streamlining helps reduce resistance in the water, enabling you to move faster with less effort. To streamline effectively during a flip turn, tuck into a tight ball during the rotation so that every part of your body becomes as compact as possible. Another important consideration is arm placement.

As you approach the wall, extend your arms straight above your head before tucking into a ball. This ensures that they don’t interfere with streamlining and gives an extra push off of the wall.


Keeping one’s head down might sound like obvious advice but it’s still an aspect many beginners struggle with while perfecting their flip turn technique. As soon as possible after initiating the flip, tuck in tightly and look straight down while rotating so that upon kicking off from the wall point all energy forward rather than upwards or sideways.

When coming out of each flip-and-turn sequence avoid immediately looking up or around which will cause increased drag slowing momentum significantly – instead wait until at least two dolphin kicks have been initiated before lifting then head up slightly above water level for air. Focusing on maintaining momentum in this manner will improve times and distance covered. 

Common Mistakes to Avoid


One of the most common mistakes swimmers make when attempting a flip turn is flipping too early or too late. Timing is everything, and if you flip too soon, you risk losing momentum and wasting precious seconds.

On the other hand, if you flip too late, you may not have enough time to execute the turn properly. To avoid this mistake, practice your approach to the wall and focus on hitting it with enough speed that you can execute your turn at just the right time.


Another common mistake that beginners make is failing to fully extend one arm  before tucking and rolling into their flip turn. This mistake can result in a loss of momentum and can make it more difficult to get into a streamlined position for maximum speed. To avoid this mistake, make sure that you are fully extending one arm as you approach the wall.


A weak push-off from the wall after executing a perfect flip turn can undo all of your hard work. Many swimmers struggle with this aspect of their technique, which can result in lost time during races. To avoid this mistake, focus on generating as much power as possible from your legs during each push-off from the wall.

Make sure that both feet are firmly planted without having your heels on the wall before pushing off with explosive force. If done correctly, this will propel you off the wall and into your next stroke with maximum speed and efficiency.

Advanced Techniques for Competitive Swimmers


If you’re looking to take your flip turns to the next level, incorporating dolphin kicks can give you an edge over the competition. Dolphin kicks are a powerful swimming technique that involve undulating your body up and down while keeping your legs together. By adding dolphin kicks into your flip turn, you can maintain your speed and momentum before resurfacing.

To add dolphin kicks into your flip turn, begin by tucking and rolling as usual. As you push off the wall with your feet, extend your arms straight out in front of you and start doing quick, powerful dolphin kicks.

Keep them small at first so that you don’t lose momentum, but gradually increase their size as you get more comfortable with the technique. With practice, incorporating dolphin kicks into your flip turn will become second nature.

Troubleshooting: Fixing Common Problems


One common problem many swimmers face is the difficulty of timing and coordination during a flip turn. Often, swimmers end up flipping too early or too late, which can disrupt their momentum and ultimately slow them down.

The key to mastering this aspect of the flip turn is to practice and familiarize yourself with the feeling of your approach to the wall. As you approach the wall, ensure that you’re keeping track of your stroke count so that you know when exactly to start initiating your turn.

You can also practice timing your flip turns with a coach or a friend who can provide feedback on your technique. Additionally, focusing on maintaining proper form throughout the entirety of your swim can help improve coordination when approaching a flip turn.


Another issue some swimmers may face is struggling to maintain their momentum after completing a flip turn. This may be due to not kicking off from the wall with enough power or losing form during the rotation. To improve momentum after completing a flip turn, focus on kicking hard as soon as you push off from the wall.

Keep your body in a tight streamline position as you start to glide through the water before beginning your first stroke. Additionally, practice perfecting both sides of your body during flip turns, as well as implementing dolphin kicks into your technique for an added boost in speed.

Ultimately, troubleshooting any problems during flip turns comes down to consistent practice and dedication towards improving technique and form. With time and effort invested into perfecting these skills, any swimmer can become an expert at executing flawless and efficient flip turns.

Conclusion: Putting it all Together

Congratulations! You’ve made it to the end of this guide on perfecting your flip turn. Now that we’ve covered all the basics, tips, and tricks, let’s summarize the key takeaways to help you improve your swimming performance. Firstly, always approach the wall with speed and power.

The faster you go into a flip turn, the more momentum you’ll have coming out of it. Secondly, timing is crucial – practice until it becomes second nature.

Remember to tuck and roll tightly in a streamlined position while keeping your head down. Push off with strong legs and maintain that momentum by kicking hard during your underwaters.

One of the most important things you can do as a swimmer is to stay patient and persistent in perfecting your technique. Remember that every detail counts when it comes to improving your times in competition or just enjoying yourself in the pool.

Keep practicing and be open to learning from others – whether through observation or coaching – because there’s always room for improvement. Mastering the flip turn requires practice, determination, and attention to detail.

But with these tips and tricks in mind, you’ll be well on your way towards mastering this essential skill for swimmers of all levels. So dive right in and have fun perfecting your flip turns!