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Aiden Villareal

Director of Finance and Operations, Swim Trident USA

     A multisport athlete in his own right, Aiden was competing at a young age with his older brother from one season to the next. A healthy sibling rivalry developed enhancing communication and problem solving skills. These life lessons were not found in a book, but experienced through sport on a regular basis. Along with mutual friends and sharing those memorable times, a sense of community was built. It was the connection through sports that creates a positive light to this day.

     In 2020, the competitive swimming career was put on hold. Aiden realized the happiness found in coaching was the next best thing to the competition itself. From those early teenage years coaching alongside his dad during summer swim league, more skills were added to the toolbox. Success in the pool as a competitor, and coaching athletes has a different skill set. Passing that knowledge to others is a challenge with its own set of rewards – coaching is an art.

     Swimming offered the obvious exercise and connection with water, but the added bonus for the “thinkers” of the sport was numbers : stroke rates, intervals, splits, and more. The love of the numbers game as a swimmer and coach had other applications in Aiden’s mind – data analytics and business models. With a degree in Business Administration and Management, he had the best of both worlds to run a swim business and work with his father as the coach. A match that seemed destined from the beginning.